Milton Tan Dreambook

Dreams: a dynamic realm of possibility and the nonsensical, fleetingly masquerading as reality. It is no wonder why Dr. Tan always kept a notebook by his bedside to write or sketch the ideas that would visit through dreams. Taking after its namesake and purpose, this blog shares our ideas, observations and experiences with design and creativity with the hopes that you, in turn, will share yours.

Don’t Mind If I Ask…
Featured Jason Tan Featured Jason Tan

Don’t Mind If I Ask…

Don’t Mind If’s inaugural communications design community and industry survey report provides a much needed and overdue introspection into Singapore’s creative industry. If you’re part of this colourful community, considering a path in it or even just curious, grab a copy and peak at the consolidated perspectives on what makes it tick.

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A Decorator Crab’s View on Creativity
Featured Jason Tan Featured Jason Tan

A Decorator Crab’s View on Creativity

Unlike specific octopi or cuttlefish, arguably the masters in the art of camouflage, decorator crabs do not have the natural ability to effortlessly replicate the colours and/ or textures of our environment. Instead, I must invest in my environment in order to pass off as nearly as masterful in this artform. My motives for survival are clearly different from yours as students of creativity. But I believe we share common ground in the pursuit of our respective artforms.

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Mind Over Material
Jason Tan Jason Tan

Mind Over Material

There is a little piece of Singapore’s history pocketed in the Changi Chapel & Museum, that zooms in on the artwork of some of the internees of the Changi Garrison. Despite malnutrition, disease and cramped, unsafe/unsanitary living conditions, the internees did their best to maintain their morale, another essential for survival.

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Alternative Value Propositions
Featured Milton Tan Featured Milton Tan

Alternative Value Propositions

Designers are in a good position to propose alternative value propositions. But they need to be laterally creative and not be so naïve about how bureaucrats and bean-counters work. A creative win-win is often the only way.

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