Milton Tan Dreambook

Dreams: a dynamic realm of possibility and the nonsensical, fleetingly masquerading as reality. It is no wonder why Dr. Tan always kept a notebook by his bedside to write or sketch the ideas that would visit through dreams. Taking after its namesake and purpose, this blog shares our ideas, observations and experiences with design and creativity with the hopes that you, in turn, will share yours.

Many Ways of Seeing
Featured Milton Tan Featured Milton Tan

Many Ways of Seeing

Much of what we presume as the “real world” is made up in our minds through a complex process of perception, postulations and concept formations; the world as we know it is not ready-made or to be taken as given.

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Leonardo’s Rap
Featured Milton Tan Featured Milton Tan

Leonardo’s Rap

Leonardo had used a simple but effective technique for working out compositions which deviated radically from the prevalent method then of the “unfailing line which needed no correction and no second thoughts”.

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Designed by Hand
Featured Milton Tan Featured Milton Tan

Designed by Hand

We treasure these perhaps because we are naturally nostalgic of our human capabilities; and acutely conscious of our human limitations.

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Alternative Value Propositions
Featured Milton Tan Featured Milton Tan

Alternative Value Propositions

Designers are in a good position to propose alternative value propositions. But they need to be laterally creative and not be so naïve about how bureaucrats and bean-counters work. A creative win-win is often the only way.

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Creative Peloton
Featured Milton Tan Featured Milton Tan

Creative Peloton

Leading designers in our community, like the lead peloton cyclists, generate the creative slipstreams that help to carry the other designers forward.

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