12 Ugly Things

Edward De Bono proposed an “Ugliness Tax” in his book “Simplicity”.  Here are 12 things (in no particular order) which could support his call.  I came across these by chance; I don’t deliberately go looking for ugly things, nor do I believe people go round deliberately to design and make ugly things; however, the level of apathy in some cases make you wonder.

Three reasons for such ugliness: a) rules and regulations, b) “best practice”, and c) sheer laziness. Three respective antidotes: a) counter rules and regulations (short of imposing an ugliness tax), b) junk best practice and majority rules, c) restore the pride in craftsmanship.

Perhaps the auditors and bean-counters need to be reminded to devalue the Board Room chairs because of defacement by their ugly inventory labels

Perhaps the auditors and bean-counters need to be reminded to devalue the Board Room chairs because of defacement by their ugly inventory labels

My remote control has more button than yours. Na, na, na, na, na.

My remote control has more button than yours. Na, na, na, na, na.

Like lizards, these find their way even into ballrooms of palaces

Like lizards, these find their way even into ballrooms of palaces

Compare and contrast: the wing mirror and the ERP (toll) unit

Compare and contrast: the wing mirror and the ERP (toll) unit

Come on, can we at least sit down and negotiate?

Come on, can we at least sit down and negotiate?

What? Barriers that need protection?

What? Barriers that need protection?

It not so much the neon concrete drain feet but the battery wrapped in a black trash bag.

It not so much the neon concrete drain feet but the battery wrapped in a black trash bag.

Straight don’t curve easily, duh!

Straight don’t curve easily, duh!

Pavement comes, pavement goes, but we stand united

Pavement comes, pavement goes, but we stand united

No, don’t tell me this is modern art!

No, don’t tell me this is modern art!

Heritage Curvy Wood meets Modern Flat Glass, a Tragedy

Heritage Curvy Wood meets Modern Flat Glass, a Tragedy

If it looks like an afterthought, it probably was an afterthought?

If it looks like an afterthought, it probably was an afterthought?


Creativity is NOT like Fresh Air or Clean Water


Sight for Sore Eyes